The Heartless & The Nobodies


-Other Allies
-Heartless & Nobodies
-Organization XIII





The Heartless

The heartless come into play at the beginning of the first game. Sora has to fight these pests in order to save the world from eternal darkness.

The heartless are formed when the darkness in one's heart takes over, and a new being has taken the said person's place, that being would be a heartless. Sora fights many heartless, some weak and some strong. The key to destroying these guys for good in using the keyblade, which is why Sora's role in defeating the heartless is so important. Heartless are unintelligent creatures that fight more so on instinct than with intellect.

A Shadow HeartlessShadow - The weakest of the bunch. It limps and scurries around it's enemy and usually lunges and attacks it's opponent with it's claws.

Neoshadow - A more complex form of the shadow heartless, it is also much moreA Neoshadow Heartless powerful, but it's attacks are similar. Sora encounters these guys throughout the game, but mostly at The World That Never Was.

A Soldier HeartlessSoldier - Weak to say the least, but stronger than a shadow, these heartless can perform hand to hand attacks as well as range attacks.

Fat Bandit - Like the Large Body heartless, only this oneA Fat Bandit Heartless shoots and breathes fire. Very much annoying to fight since you can attack them from the front. They can cause massivedamage if not taken care of quickly.

GargoyleA Gargoyle Heartless - Found in Halloween Town, these heartless fly most of the time, and often zoom down to attack their opponent. They can materialize and transfer to another place without taking damage as well. Although stealthy, they can be defeated easily.

My personal favorite, a Wyvern HeartlessWyvern - Sora first encounters these guys at Hollow Bastion. Like the Gargoyle they fly around and away from their opponent and attack by zooming down at high speeds. However, Wyverns are more powerful than Gargoyles and can become a burden quickly.

The Big Bad; DarksideDarkside - Darkside is a massive heartless that was created by the gathering of many dark hearts. Sora fights him in his dream, and then again during his battles with Ansem. Darkside has a huge hole going through in the shape of a heart, signifying the that the creature does not have.



I can't list all of them and give a description because there are too many to list. All heartless have the heart insignia on their body somewhere. This is the symbol that proves them to be a heartless.

The Nobodies

The nobodies are brought into the mess in KH2. Sora must fight these annoying creatures as well as Organization XIII, which is a group of incredibly intelligent nobodies who want to obtain a heart of their own.

Nobodies are the other half of a persons lost heart. While the heartless are formed from the darkness in said person's hearts, the nobodies are created from the remains, they're like shells that were left behind. There aren't as many types of nobodies for Sora to fight against as there were heartless. The nobodies are more intelligent than the heartless and tend more so think before they attack. Organization XIII is controlling the lesser nobodies to do their bidding, and they are also using Sora as a tool to collect hearts so that the members of Organization XIII can have a heart of their own, though it is revealed to being impossible to do.

A weak nobody; A DuskDusk - One of the weakest nobodies. It spins and turns it's way around their opponent and then lunges when the opponent seems vulnerable.

A powerful Nobody; A SamuraiSamurai - A formidable nobody. It hacks and slashes it opponent, usually restricting their opponent of any capable attack. It's best to attack this nobody when it's still wavering on it's attack.

A strong Nobody; A DancerDancer - A cunning and mostly annoying nobody, it swerves and sways around it's opponent and attacks when they are vulnerable. A high ranking nobody, this one can cause serious damage if not taken out quickly.

Moderately detailed artwork of the giant nobody

Unknown Nobody - A giant nobody that only Roxas is able to fight. Like Darkside of the heartless, this giant nobody was created by a mass quantity of the empty shells left behind.

There are a few more Nobodies, but you can get a general idea of what they look like. Most nobodies are white or silver in color. Some have pastel like colors added to them (Dancer), but mostly they are silver or white. Nobodies have the nobody insignia on them somewhere on their body. This symbol identifies them as a nobody.